Category: Information

Greenbacks Persistent

Eastern Colorado’s native trout, the Greenback Cutthroat, has been on the run for a while. Hemmed in by nonnative competitors and habitat loss, it was considered extinct by the 1930’s (Young et al. 2002)....

American Shad are Running out of Luck

Every spring growing up in Pennsylvania, my grandmother-any many other people of Pennsylvania Dutch descent-would make us Shad and Dandelion. If you haven’t had this delicacy (served over boiled potatoes with generous amounts of...

Compromise, in the Name of the Fish

I work for a transportation agency that is constantly building and updating bridges that span rivers; hence, we collaborate closely with the local office of the state’s fish and game agency. Legislation dictates that...

A Major Breakthrough for Coral Reefs

Coral reefs are habitats that are equally important to fish and people. Reefs support more fish species per unit area than any other marine environment. There are more than 4,000 known species of reef...

Public Plantings

In 2016, a catastrophic flood removed infrastructure and damaged habitat within several rivers along Colorado’s Front Range, including the popular coldwater St. Vrain River near the entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park. Following the...


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