Meet the 2021 Blog Team

Coordinator: Lauren Flynn is a graduate student at New Mexico State University, where she is studying the impacts of Brown Trout and water temperature on Cutthroat Trout productivity.

Social Media Manager: Kanyan Klein
Upon graduation from Tarleton State University with my BS in Fisheries and Wildlife Management, Texas Parks and Wildlife hired me in a seasonal position in Athens, TX at the fish hatchery. To enhance my career path, I decided to pursue my MBA at Tarleton State. While doing so, I am interning with Black Bass Stewardship Group.

Writer and Website Manager: Steven Luell earned his BS in Marine Science from the Richard Stockton College of New Jersey and MS in Zoology from the University of New Hampshire. His master’s research focused on marking alewife otoliths using oxytetracycline immersion and thermal marking techniques. He is a co-founder of the AFS Student Subunit at UNH and served as their first president until he graduated in September 2016. He has worked with a variety of species including alewives, bluefish, striped bass, horseshoe crabs and diamondback terrapins.

Writer: Matthew Salena recently completed his MSc at McMaster University’s Aquatic Behavioural Ecology Laboratory (ABEL) where he studied learning and memory in cichlid fishes. Matthew also earned his BSc at McMaster, in the biology and environmental sciences program, with an interdisciplinary minor in sustainability. He is a member of the AFS Ontario Chapter and is interested in a broad range of topics surrounding fisheries research and applied conservation.
If you are interested in joining the AFS-FHS Blog Team, please contact [email protected]