
Bylaws of the FISH HABITAT SECTION of the American Fisheries Society

(a) The name of this organization shall be the Fish Habitat Section of the American Fisheries Society, hereinafter referred to as the Section and Society, respectively.
(b) The objectives of the Section shall be those of the American Fisheries Society as set forth in Article I of the Constitution, and especially, to encourage the advancement of knowledge and exchange of information on the broad scope of multidisciplinary fish habitat issues, including marine, estuarine and freshwater, among members of the Society who belong to this Section.
(c) All activities of this subunit shall conform to the Society’s Constitution, Rules, and Procedures.

(a) The membership of the Section shall be composed of those Active Members of the American Fisheries Society who have an interest in habitat issues as they relate to fish and fisheries.
(b) Only Active Members of the Society may vote, hold office, or chair a committee in the Section.

The Section shall hold at least one meeting annually at a time and place designated by its Executive Committee.

(a) The officers of the Section shall consist of, at least, a President, a President-Elect, immediate Past President, and a Secretary-Treasurer, although the latter position may be split between two people, if desired.
(b) Officers shall be nominated by a nominating committee appointed by the Past-President. Officers shall be elected at the annual meeting or by ballot received by members at least 30 days prior to the annual meeting. Terms of newly elected officers shall coincide with those of the Society officers. Officers shall serve for a term of two years; however, the Secretary-Treasurer may serve more than one term.
(c) In the event of a vacated position, the Executive Committee shall appoint a qualified replacement to fill the unexpired term.
(d) If the Section fails to hold a valid election, officers shall serve until a successor is duly selected in accordance with these Bylaws.
(e) No elected officer or appointed committee member of the Unit shall receive any salary or other compensation. Expenses may be defrayed from funds available to the Unit when authorized by the Executive Committee.

(a) The President of the Section shall preside at all meetings, chair the Executive Committee, make appointments, and serve as a member of the Society’s Governing Board. The President also performs other duties and functions as authorized by the Section’s Executive Committee and shall proceed to the office of Past-President at the end of the term.
(b) The President-Elect shall chair the Program Committee, shall assume the duties of the President if the latter is unable to act, and shall advance to the office of President at the end of the term.
(c) The immediate Past President shall chair the Nominating Committee and shall assume the duties of the President if the latter and the President-Elect are unable to act.
(d) The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep the official records of the Section, submit minutes of the Section’s meetings to the Society’s Executive Director within 30 days after each meeting, disburse funds as authorized by the Executive Committee or the membership, submit a record of receipts and disbursements at the annual Section meeting, establish banking arrangements and prepare and file necessary tax returns and other official documents necessary to keep the Unit in good legal and financial standing, maintain financial records for review by Society officers and staff as needed or required, and discharge other duties as requested by appropriate Society officers.

(a) The Executive Committee of the Section shall consist of the elected officers and other members as may be appointed by the President. The Executive Committee is authorized to act on behalf of the Section between annual meetings.
(b) A quorum is required for transaction of official business at an Executive Committee meeting and shall consist of three members. Executive Committee members can appoint a proxy.
(c) Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote on Executive Committee decisions. In the event of a tie, the President’s vote shall be the deciding vote.
(d) Executive Committee meetings are called by the President.

Committees and Chairpersons of committees, except as listed in Articles 5 and 6 of these Bylaws, shall be appointed and charged by the President. Except for Standing Committees, these Section committees shall cease to function upon the discharge of the duties for which they were appointed.

(a) All decisions at meetings are decided by a simple majority vote, except for bylaws revisions.
(b) A quorum at any meeting for transaction of official business shall be 10 Section members.
(c) Unless otherwise specified in these Section Bylaws or the Constitution of the Society, meetings are conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.

The Executive Committee shall establish annual dues subject to approval of the members voting at the annual meeting. The Executive Committee may assess registration fees for annual meetings.

(a) The Bylaws of the Section may be amended by a two-thirds majority approval of those members voting, provided that notice of the proposed change(s) are provided to the membership at least 30 days prior to voting. If voting is not conducted at the annual meeting, members must be given at least 30 days to return their ballots.
(b) Following approval by Section membership, bylaws amendments must be submitted to the Executive Director at least 45 days before the next meeting of the Society’s Governing Board. In accordance with the Society Constitution, all amendments shall be reviewed by the Society’s Constitutional Consultant for conformity with the Constitution, Rules, and Procedures of the Society. The Constitutional Consultant presents adopted amendments to the Society Governing Board for approval.
(c) Amendments take effect when the Section receives written notice of their approval by the Governing Board from the Executive Director.

CLICK TO DOWNLOAD Fish Habitat Section Bylaws 8-28-08 (FJM final)