TO: Bob Hughes, President
From: John Sweka, President – Fish Habitat Section
Date: August 7, 2014
- Motion Report
- No motions to report
- Activity Report
- Summary of Outcomes and Accomplishments
i. Objective 1.1 Promote fisheries conservation throughout North America and the world, at all level of government and society, and among all levels of AFS by supporting sound science and networking opportunities.
- The Fish Habitat Section (FHS) has co-sponsored a symposium titled “Dam Impacts on Fishery Resources” with the Water Quality Section and Bioengineering Section. The symposium will have 36 speakers from a variety of countries presenting papers on the impacts of dams.
- The FHS continues to communicate with members to develop symposia, workshops, and continuing education opportunities for our membership and the society as a whole
- The FHS has provided funding to support travel of international scientists to participate in FHS sponsored symposia. Also, the FHS has provided funding to the Equal Opportunities Section to support travel for women and minorities to attend the annual meeting.
ii. Objective 2.3 Provide a wide array of continuing education opportunities using innovative methods to reach the widest possible audience of fisheries professionals
- The FHS recently conducted a poll of its membership to determine what topics were of greatest interest to members for continuing education opportunities. Results of this poll will be presented during the 2014 business meeting and lead organizers identified for development of continuing education at the 2015 Portland meeting.
iii. Objective 3.1 Determine and respond to the needs and opinions of AFS members.
- The FHS launched a facebook page during the 2013 Little Rock meeting. This page has been used to disseminate fish habitat information, habitat restoration techniques and news stories, and to make general announcements to the membership of the section.
- Through the aforementioned poll of FHS membership, we have identified topics for future symposia, continuing education, and workshops that are of greatest interest to members. Development of these ideas will continue during the 2014 business meeting.
iv. Objective 3.2 Enhance participation of students and professionals at all level of the society to assure recruitment, retention, and leadership development in the future.
- The FHS provides an award for “Best Student Presentation in a Fish Habitat Section Sponsored Symposium” during the annual meeting. This award carries with it a plaque recognizing the student and their presentation and a $100 cash award. During the “Ecosystem Connections: Watershed Health, Anadromous Species, and Ocean Production” symposium at the 2013 Little Rock Meeting, we had four student presenters. Konstantine Rountos received the award for his presentation “The Effects of Harmful Algal Blooms on Early Life Stages of Estuarine Forage Fish”.
- The FHS offers free membership to students to encourage recruitment of new members.
- The FHS has posted on its facebook page a request for volunteers to help review and revise Society level policies that need to be updated.
- The FHS has partnered with the National Fish Habitat Partnership in the development of a new habitat award for recognition of vision, action, scientific achievement, habitat conservation, and outreach and education in support of fish habitat conservation. Up to two awards will be presented in 2014 and submission of nominations is open until September 19, 2014.
v. Objective 3.5 Practice good governance and organizational management.
- The Executive Committee of the FWS meets regularly throughout the year via conference calls.
- The FHS will be updating the section’s web site and continues to use facebook for communication among members.
- Recommendations and Suggestions for Future Consideration
i. NONE.