US Army Corps of Engineers habitat restoration project needs your help!
The US Army Corps of Engineers’ Pittsburgh District (Corps) is in the process of developing and analyzing alternatives for an aquatic ecosystem restoration project located in the City of Pittsburgh, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. The sponsor for this project is Riverlife, a non-profit organization whose mission includes ecological restoration of Pittsburgh’s riverfronts. The scope of the project includes potential restoration of wetland habitat, re-shaping river banks, removal of invasive riparian plants, planting native riparian plants, and
improvement of aquatic habitat.
includes approximately 4,000 feet of shoreline along the right-descending bank of the Ohio River immediately downstream from the confluence of the Allegheny and
Monongahela Rivers. The Corps is considering options for improving aquatic habitat within 150 feet of the shoreline. Options that are currently being considered include:
- Placement of gravel bars for fish spawning habitat
- Placement of boulders and large woody debris for fish habitat
- Creation of slackwater areas with sand and gravel substrate for mussel
habitat - Reshaping bathymetry (if necessary) to provide a variety of depths and slopes
The Corps will be working to identify site specific locations for implementing these and other measures and developing a series of alternatives to analyze in a Detailed Project
Report and integrated Environmental Assessment. If you have additional ideas for measures that should be considered, please send them to Mr. Tim Fleeger, [email protected].
For more information on the project, please see the attached PDF.