Fish Habitat Section of the American Fisheries Society Blog
“Aquatic Ecological rehabilitation is an act of repairing or replacing primary aquatic ecosystem structure to its original state for the maintenance of ecological integrity of degraded habitats for the benefit of people and environment.”...
Calling all fish habitat fanatics! Don’t miss the Monsters of Fish Habitat workshop in Tampa, Sunday, August 20 12:30-3:30PM! The 1980s “Monsters of Rock” tour brought together the best heavy metal bands in the...
One impact of climate change is an increase in frequency of extreme warming events. Marine heatwaves are globally increasing both in duration and intensity. Heatwaves are a prolonged period of very hot...
Animals have evolved a suite of responses to help them cope with challenges. One of the most important is the stress response. When fish encounter stressors, they increase their production of the stress hormone,...
Even though almost every estuary is unique, they all provide important habitat for a wide range of organisms and often support highly productive ecosystems. Estuaries are the link between the freshwater flowing through rivers...
Everyone knows that life changes are hard. Moving to a new home, getting a new job, and changing your diet are challenges for all of us, including fish! Salmon species around the world undergo...
Sometimes when angling, I get the sense that not all fish are the same, even when they’re the same species, seem to be the same size and sex, and have been caught within the...
Beavers and fish, fish and beavers; these ancient aquatic associates have been sharing habitat in lakes and streams for millions of years. And yet, our understanding of how beaver engineering affects habitat quality for...
A study recently published by Robert Orth, Jonathan Lefcheck, and David Wilcox of the college of William and Mary, examined the impacts of boat propellers and fishing gear on seagrass in the lower Chesapeake...
Large sandy-bottomed rivers throughout the central United States, such as the Mississippi, display disproportionately high diversity of fishes yet are some of the most altered aquatic ecosystems on the planet. These rivers have been...