Fish Habitat Section of the American Fisheries Society Blog
In most homes across America, signs of the holidays are slowly disappearing. Festive bows and wrapping paper has been discarded, New Years confetti has been swept up, and left over cookies are vanishing one...
Many times we focus on the negative impacts that anthropogenic forces have on the marine environment. And rightfully so: ocean habitats are changing faster than ever. But despite the uncertain effects from unknowns like...
Humans have major impacts on the environment around them. Some of these impacts are obvious and we are reminded of their presence on a daily basis (e.g. garbage bins). However, some of these effects...
The ocean is filled with natural biogeochemical processes with different Dissolved oxygen (DO), pH, CO2, O2 and nutrient levels. The variability particularly increases as it comes closer to the coastal shelf from the open...
Friday – January 19, 2018 Bangor Motor Inn, Bangor, Maine (In conjunction with the 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystem Forum) 8:30 Welcome and introductions Steven Koenig – Project SHARE 8:40 USFWS Design Criteria for...
Seagrass beds are important marine habitats that provide many ecosystem functions. They help stabilize sediments and store carbon. They provide food for many marine species including endangered sea turtles and manatees as well as...
In the middle of the North Atlantic Ocean is a large gyre (a system created by circulating ocean currents) where the water is still and the wind barely blows; this place is known as...
Animals have to deal with a variety of factors that influence their daily lives. These factors can be grouped into those that relate to living things, or biotic factors, and physical, or abiotic, factors....
Antarctica is covered in ice sheets that are up to 3 kilometers (2 miles) thick. These ice sheets connect to the ocean water surrounding Antarctica where they permanently float. At this point, the ice...
It’s that magical time of year when ghosts and ghouls and goblin-sharks come out to steal your sole: Halloween! And while we can probably name any number of reel scary, spooky, or just plain...