Fish Habitat Section of the American Fisheries Society Blog
The American Fisheries Society’s Fish Habitat Section is pleased to announce the following awards earned at the 2018 Annual Meeting. Congratulations! Best Student Paper Award Shadaesha Green, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Maryland “Elucidating the...
To effectively conserve freshwater fishes, conservationists need information on what types of habitats a given fish species requires. Freshwater migratory species are unique compared to non-migratory fishes because they require access to two or...
Trophic cascades are a well-known phenomenon where the removal of predators often causes an explosion of prey species’ populations due to reduced predation rates. However, an often overlooked facet of trophic cascades is that...
An invasive insect could threaten salmon habitat in the Pacific Northwest. The green alder sawfly (Monosoma pulveratum) was first documented in North America in the 1990s and may have been introduced through shipping dunnage...
Horseshoe crabs (Limulus polyphemus) are a species of marine arthropod native to the Atlantic coast of North America, ranging from the Gulf of Maine to the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico (Figure 1). Despite their...
Macrophytes (aquatic vegetation) are used by many fish species as juvenile nursery habitat and refuge from predators. Lakes in the American Midwest are characterized by abundant macrophyte communities with many being privately owned. In...
Fish can be tricky to count. Many fish are sensitive to disturbances in their surrounding environment, such as from an approaching diver conducting surveys, so care must be taken to ensure that survey methods...
The open ocean is the Sahara Desert of fish habitat: it is relatively barren, sparsely populated, has low species diversity and low primary productivity. By contrast, coastal zones provide a glut of habitat in...
American eels (Anguilla rostrata) are slimy fish with long, snakelike bodies found along the Atlantic coast from Greenland to Brazil. Like many species of diadromous fish (species that migrate between fresh and saltwater), American...
The American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting is coming up next week! In anticipation of the event, we have collected some details and tips that will be helpful for getting the most out of your...