2018 Stream Restoration Workshop
Friday – January 19, 2018
Bangor Motor Inn, Bangor, Maine
(In conjunction with the 2018 Atlantic Salmon Ecosystem Forum)
8:30 | Welcome and introductions | Steven Koenig – Project SHARE |
8:40 | USFWS Design Criteria for Step-pool Nature-like Fishways | |
9:40 | Drones for monitoring stream restoration | William (Carter) Stone, University of Maine |
10:40 | Break | |
11:00 | Holistic watershed restoration in the acid rain impacted West River | Dr. Edmund Halfyard, Nova Scotia Salmon Association |
12:00 | Lunch | |
1:00 | Interactions between land and riverscapes – Hydrological and thermal regimes | Antóin M. O’Sullivan (presentor), Dr. Tommi Linnansaari, Proj. R. Allen Curry, Canadian Rivers Institute, University of New Brunswick |
2:00 | TIR imagery and on-the-ground thermal refugia projects on the Miramichi River | Nathan Wilbur, PE, Director New Brunswich Programs, ASF |
3:00 | Break | |
3:20 | Applying eDNA Tools to Salmon Ecosystems | Dr. Michael Kinnison, University of Maine |
4:20 | Closing Remarks |
Partial funding for this workshop has been provided by a grant from the National Fish & Wildlife Foundation